2008年4月15日 星期二

資組筆記 4.09

*封套: 整面包起來
*書腰: 行銷用的,通常不給ISBN位置
*UCC: 商品編號制度
*ISSN 0340-0352 (空格,四位數字一組)

Free to students of college 學生免費
For hire 出租
Sterling Pounds 30.00 售價...英鎊

*裝訂等: 用於標準號碼及獲得方式之後
*bound: 精裝
*pbk: 平裝
* 手稿及善本書沒有標準號碼,連續性出版品只有ISSN

Added entry (附加款目): An entry, additional to the main entry, by which an
item is represented in a calalogue; a secondary entry.

Main entry (主要款目): The complete calalogue recond of an item, present in the
form by which the entity is to be uniformly identifien
and cited. The main entry may include the tracing(s). 追
Entry (款目): A record of an item in a catalogue.

Heading (標目): A name, word or phrase placed at the head of a catalogue entry
to provide an access point.

Analytical entry (分析款目): A entry for a part of an item for which a
comprehensive entry is also made.
Analytical note (分析著 ): The statement in an analytical entry relating the part being analyzed to the item of which it is a part.
